October 2016

October at The Lotus Wings Building…
Fall…the air is changing, the day light hours are changing, the land is changing…we are changing. Need some help…visit our website…contact the practitioner you are drawn to…book an appointment…follow through…allow the change!!
Sunday November 6th, 2016
1pm to 5pm
Mark your calendars…..
Please join us at the first annual Enrichment Talks– Enriching Me and My Reiki Community on November 6, 2016.
We are offering an afternoon of discovery and exploration.
Our Speakers, their bios and talk synopsis are available at the link below.
Join us at the incredible afternoon at St Paul’s University in Ottawa.
Save $5 off our regular price of $50 by registering early. Use the code
EARLY BIRD until October 15th.
It is go be an AMAZING AFTERNOON! Looking forward to greeting you…
Denise and Brenda

Yoga-based Stress Reduction is a in-person group that meets every other week for 6 weeks at the Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre Each meeting lasts two hours. First Class is October 16th.
The Yoga-based Stress Reduction program is built around the stress reduction principles I teach every one-to-one client. The chronically stressed nervous system is like a rabbit perpetually being threatened by a bear. It’s mobilized to run but in real life we’re not rabbits, and there is no bear. The threats are psychological, and there’s no escaping them. The only reliable way to consistently reduce your stress load it to discharge, soothe and nourish your poor, beleaguered bunny of a nervous system.
In each of your classes, you’ll learn body awareness practices that help you develop present-moment awareness, and also set a baseline by which you can measure your progress in class and over the length of the program. After that there will be a teacher presentation and small group discussion to help you learn and integrate the theory upon which the week’s practices are based. Then we’ll then practice breathing exercises, and moving your body in and out of physical forms (and don’t worry, this is not pretzel-yoga… you’re not likely to get sweaty or out of breath either). These cultivate present-moment awareness and help to soothe and nourish the nervous system so you can experience calmness of spirit and clarity of mind. Other activities include guided imagery, relaxation, and meditation. (Don’t worry if you think you can’t do these things. There are many ways of doing them and we will be trouble-shooting and individualizing them.) All of these will help you discharge stress, soothe and nourish your nervous system and bolster and fortify your beleaguered spirit.
You’ll get acquainted with a wide range of stress-reduction techniques. You’ll have many opportunities to experiment with and trouble-shoot them so you can find the ones that will work for you in your life.
Your Yoga-Based Stress Reduction Program helps you choose and develop the calming, soothing habits you can use every day to deal with stress and promote wellness at every level of your being.
For more information contact Shula by email shulamit@shula.ca or call 613-868-9642.
Registration closes October 12.

My mission it to help people feel compassion, peace,
I am a Registered Reiki Practitioner with the Canadian Reiki Association, with Level 2 Usui Reiki Training. I have practiced Reiki since 2007. Since 1999 I have also practiced yoga based pranic energy balancing with Kripalu Massage. I am a Certified Kripalu Bodyworker, trained at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health’s former massage school. This school was approved by the U.S. National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and BodyworK. To contact Beverley phone 613-257-4733 or email beverley@handsnsoul.com
Beverley Gail Rice BA (Psych), ECE, MA, Counselling. Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Canadian Association For Psychodynamic Therapy
Canadian Association For Sandplay Therapy
The Traumatic Incident Reduction Association

Please let us know your thoughts for the newsletter. Any information you may need can be found at www.lotuswings.ca or phoning 613-913-2803.