Category: General Reiki Day in Perth-September 15th

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Reiki Day in Perth-September 15th

September 15, 2024

This magic day will begin with a Sound Bath lead by Mary Ferguson leading into a meditation lead by Michele Laughlin. Our first speaker, Moe Rosteius will give a talk on Animals and Reiki. Then she will give a 30 minute Group Reiki Session. We will take a lunch break at this point in time. Reconvening with our next speaker Barb Hall , who will present a 30 minute talk on trauma and Reiki . Then Barb will give a 30 minute Group Reiki Session. Barb will be followed by Denise Carpenter who will give a 30 minute talk on Eastern Reiki meets Western Reiki. She will then give a 30 minute group Reiki Session. Our day will close with a Sound Bath lead by Mary Ferguson and a final meditation lead by Michele Laughlin.

Please use your bio and lunch breaks to enjoy our local shops and restaurants.

For more information or to buy tickets.... visit*1o7rgbh*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuSzBhCLARIsAIcdLm7N3pb31FmV_5Jv2ocazPsHWWZA_rnr7xnKqnUQ5RgHD2eQ1y1wRs8aAqp1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

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