By Amanda Tyler

A balanced and coherent heart chakra is reflected in the ability to accept ourselves, other people and all types of situations.
Our heart chakra resonates the theme of balance at all levels. Making conscious choices that create balance in our life aligns us with the abundance of the Universe and the fulfillment of our highest intentions.
The element associated with this chakra is Air. Air flows from areas of high pressure towards areas of low pressure, always seeking a state of balance. Like air, the heart chakra strives to bring harmony between external stimuli and internal emotions.
Harmony begins with the self and then resonates outwards towards others. We are in harmony with ourselves when we nurture ourselves with love, acceptance and respect, always taking responsibility for our actions. It is then that we can be in harmony with others as love is the central force that aligns us all. One way to balance our heart chakra is through a loving kindness meditation.
It is helpful while using this style of meditation to hold the intention of surrounding ourselves and others with loving kindness. This meditation also can be effective for lessening the charge of negative emotions.
As arms and hands are the executors of the heart chakra energy, begin by placing your hands over your heart. Next, breathe gently and think silently to yourself, or say aloud,
May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be well.
May I be happy.
May I be peaceful and at ease.
Bring someone into your mind (someone you love and/or someone who you are feeling challenged by) and repeat,
May you be filled with loving kindness.
May you be well.
May you be happy.
May you be peaceful and at ease.
Next, bring all of humanity into your awareness and send out the same intention.
May we be filled with loving kindness.
May we be well.
May we be happy.
May we be peaceful and at ease.
When we are able to achieve some kind of balance between ourselves and all things outside of ourselves we open the way for openness and acceptance of the world.
Love and light,