Events Calendar

Week of Jan 20th

  • Perth - Reiki Share with Denise Carpenter

    Perth - Reiki Share with Denise Carpenter

    January 21, 2020

    Tonight's Reiki Share will take on a different format.

    Please join me at 7pm in meditation from your home or other quiet place, the clinic is not hosting group events until April. I will open the Share energy at 7pm....please visualize joining in the group meditation. We will do the meditative Share for 1 hour. Meditate for as long as you feel comfortable. Then close your meditation to leave the group.
    Meet you in the meditation at 7pm.
    Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,

    If you wish more information, please or text Denise 613-913-2803.

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • Lotus Wings Crystal Singing Bowl and Reflexology Self-Care Workshop

    Lotus Wings Crystal Singing Bowl and Reflexology Self-Care Workshop

    January 23, 2020

    Laurie Lynn Clark ( facilitates a self-care reflexology and crystal singing bowl/native flute sound bathing workshop. She welcomes individuals interested in exercising their interoceptive communication skills while relaxing to the sound of crystal singing bowls and flute. Bring a water bottle, pillow, a journal (optional), a yoga mat, and wear comfortable clothing.
    Laurie will serve her nourishing tea blend to enjoy in a closing sharing circle.
    Workshop fee: $30 - Maximum: 7 participants

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7