Category: General Animal Energy Mastery Workshop with Moe Rosteius

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Animal Energy Mastery Workshop with Moe Rosteius

June 11, 2023

Join Moe Rosteius, Animal and Human Usui Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, for this transformative Animal Energy Mastery Workshop series and unlock a whole new world of understanding and connection with your beloved animal companions. You will gain insights into their perspective, how they communicate, how they receive information, use their senses and their unique ways of processing and responding to energy. You will also gain a profound understanding of their purpose and strengths, recognize signs that they are communicating with you and develop a heart-centered relationship based on respect and admiration for their wisdom and unconditional love.

  In future workshops, we will also cover topics such as Animal Chakras, Animal Reiki, Animal Spirit Guides, Animal Totems and Symbolism, Animal Communication and more. Join Moe for this enlightening journey into the world of Animal Energy and create a more harmonious connection with your animal companions.


These workshops will be held on the 2nd Sunday of every month at the Lotus Wings Building, 30 North Street, Perth, ON. They will be held from 1-3pm and will cost $15.


Please contact Moe to reserve your seat by emailing her at and look for her next workshop topic by following her on Instagram @momentousreiki or on facebook.

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