Category: General POSTPONED - Crystal Quartz Singing Bowl Sound Attunement with Laurie Lynn Clark

POSTPONED - Crystal Quartz Singing Bowl Sound Attunement with Laurie Lynn Clark

May 27, 2020

On the last Wednesday of every month,
Laurie Lynn Clark is offering self-care sessions with Crystal Quartz Singing Bowls and Native Flutes to assist in myofascial stress release.
Laurie is open to working with sliding scale payment options so not to turn people away.

Daytime Attunement Options (for individuals or groups):
Contact Laurie to schedule a session between 9 am and 4pm.

* Half hour to receive a sound bath relaxation session.
* A standard sound bathing session with native flutes and crystal quartz singing bowls (45 minutes)

* Evening Singing Bowl and Flute Sound Bath/ Group session: at Lotus Wings on the last Wednesday of every month.
6:45 pm until 8 pm. Limit 8 participants.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Laurie Lynn Clark at:

The Lotus Wings Building
30 North Street
Perth, ON K7H 2S7

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