Trevor Couturier
Trevor Couturier of Infinity Spiritual Healing
Trevor has 30 years experience in Reiki, with 7 years as a Reiki Master. He also has 10+ years experience as Psychic Medium and 6+ years as a Psychic Development Teacher.
Trevor’s focus is on providing insight to people through his Mediumship, Tarot,and Tea Leaf Reads. He is also committed to helping people develop their intuition and Psychic Mediumship skills through his Psychic Development classes.
Trevor had guidance from his father from birth and was directed down a spiritual path. He spent his life following the energy the universe set out in front of him and was able to follow it to the life he now lives. He has been working more and more on learning how to manifest the life he wants and will eventually teach others how to manifest for themselves.
Trevor is passionate about raising the global vibration and lifting the level of the collective consciousness, and will continue to find ways to help people in this manner.
To connect with Trevor phone or text (613) 791-0861
or email: Website: