Events Calendar

Events in May 2020

  • POSTPONED - Advanced Psychic/Mediumship Development Course

    POSTPONED - Advanced Psychic/Mediumship Development Course

    May 4, 2020

    This is a 5 week event (Meeting 2 hours a week) that will give you all the tools you need to be confident in seeing clients. The cost is $300 per student for the entire 5 week course.
    A breakdown of weekly classes is below. This is not a week by week enrollment. This is a complete course and all classes are important.
    To register, contact

    In week 1 we will do blind reads. Students will be put in 2 groups, with group 1 being the readers and group 2 being the clients. Reads will be done with closed eyes, not knowing who is being read, and with no feedback or validation. We will also do a specialized meditation.

    Week 2 will be platform reads. Each student will stand at the front of the room and do reads for the class. Going to where spirit draws them. We will also work on releasing our blocks.

    Week 3 we will practice mini psychic reads on each other, using our tool of choice (tarot, crystals, Oracle cards, tea leaves, etc)

    Week 4 we will work with feeling, experiencing, seeing, and building energy. We will also do a specialized meditation.

    Week 5, the final week, we will invite the public in to receive free reads from the students. Based on what the student is most comfortable with. Psychic or mediumship reads.

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • CANCELED - A day with Mr Ken Montizambert

    CANCELED - A day with Mr Ken Montizambert

    May 9, 2020

    Mr. Ken Montizambert is a Quebec licensed Osteopath and Naturopath trained in the field of osteopathy, naturopathy and homeopathic remedies. He practices at his clinic, Tri-Med clinic, 69 Boul Saint-Jean, Pointe-Claire, Quebec using electro-dermal screening, osteopathy, naturopathy and homeopathy. To book an appointment call or text Denise 613-913-2803. Initial appointment $95, a follow up $75. Remedy purchases are available.

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • CANCELED - A day with Mr Ken Montizambert

    CANCELED - A day with Mr Ken Montizambert

    May 10, 2020

    Mr. Ken Montizambert is a Quebec licensed Osteopath and Naturopath trained in the field of osteopathy, naturopathy and homeopathic remedies. He practices at his clinic, Tri-Med clinic, 69 Boul Saint-Jean, Pointe-Claire, Quebec using electro-dermal screening, osteopathy, naturopathy and homeopathy. To book an appointment call or text Denise 613-913-2803. Initial appointment $95, a follow up $75. Remedy purchases are available.

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • POSTPONED - Advanced Psychic/Mediumship Development Course

    POSTPONED - Advanced Psychic/Mediumship Development Course

    May 11, 2020

    This is a 5 week event (Meeting 2 hours a week) that will give you all the tools you need to be confident in seeing clients. The cost is $300 per student for the entire 5 week course.
    A breakdown of weekly classes is below. This is not a week by week enrollment. This is a complete course and all classes are important.
    To register, contact

    In week 1 we will do blind reads. Students will be put in 2 groups, with group 1 being the readers and group 2 being the clients. Reads will be done with closed eyes, not knowing who is being read, and with no feedback or validation. We will also do a specialized meditation.

    Week 2 will be platform reads. Each student will stand at the front of the room and do reads for the class. Going to where spirit draws them. We will also work on releasing our blocks.

    Week 3 we will practice mini psychic reads on each other, using our tool of choice (tarot, crystals, Oracle cards, tea leaves, etc)

    Week 4 we will work with feeling, experiencing, seeing, and building energy. We will also do a specialized meditation.

    Week 5, the final week, we will invite the public in to receive free reads from the students. Based on what the student is most comfortable with. Psychic or mediumship reads.

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • POSTPONED - Advanced Psychic/Mediumship Development Course

    POSTPONED - Advanced Psychic/Mediumship Development Course

    May 18, 2020

    This is a 5 week event (Meeting 2 hours a week) that will give you all the tools you need to be confident in seeing clients. The cost is $300 per student for the entire 5 week course.
    A breakdown of weekly classes is below. This is not a week by week enrollment. This is a complete course and all classes are important.
    To register, contact

    In week 1 we will do blind reads. Students will be put in 2 groups, with group 1 being the readers and group 2 being the clients. Reads will be done with closed eyes, not knowing who is being read, and with no feedback or validation. We will also do a specialized meditation.

    Week 2 will be platform reads. Each student will stand at the front of the room and do reads for the class. Going to where spirit draws them. We will also work on releasing our blocks.

    Week 3 we will practice mini psychic reads on each other, using our tool of choice (tarot, crystals, Oracle cards, tea leaves, etc)

    Week 4 we will work with feeling, experiencing, seeing, and building energy. We will also do a specialized meditation.

    Week 5, the final week, we will invite the public in to receive free reads from the students. Based on what the student is most comfortable with. Psychic or mediumship reads.

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • Perth - Reiki Share with Denise Carpenter

    Perth - Reiki Share with Denise Carpenter

    May 19, 2020

    Tonight's Reiki Share will take on a different format.

    Please join me at 7pm in meditation from your home or other quiet place, the clinic is not hosting group events until April. I will open the Share energy at 7pm....please visualize joining in the group meditation. We will do the meditative Share for 1 hour. Meditate for as long as you feel comfortable. Then close your meditation to leave the group.
    Meet you in the meditation at 7pm.
    Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,

    If you wish more information, please or text Denise 613-913-2803.

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • POSTPONED - Crystal Quartz Singing Bowl Sound Attunement with Laurie Lynn Clark

    POSTPONED - Crystal Quartz Singing Bowl Sound Attunement with Laurie Lynn Clark

    May 27, 2020

    On the last Wednesday of every month,
    Laurie Lynn Clark is offering self-care sessions with Crystal Quartz Singing Bowls and Native Flutes to assist in myofascial stress release.
    Laurie is open to working with sliding scale payment options so not to turn people away.

    Daytime Attunement Options (for individuals or groups):
    Contact Laurie to schedule a session between 9 am and 4pm.

    * Half hour to receive a sound bath relaxation session.
    * A standard sound bathing session with native flutes and crystal quartz singing bowls (45 minutes)

    * Evening Singing Bowl and Flute Sound Bath/ Group session: at Lotus Wings on the last Wednesday of every month.
    6:45 pm until 8 pm. Limit 8 participants.

    For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Laurie Lynn Clark at:

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7
  • POSTPONED - USUI REIKI LEVEL I with Denise Carpenter

    POSTPONED - USUI REIKI LEVEL I with Denise Carpenter

    May 30, 2020

    Curious about Reiki? Where did it originate and how does it work? The Level I Reiki training will help with your understanding of incredible energy available to and for everyone. During this training you will explore the history of Usui Reiki, the benefits, the principles, and the basic hand positions for giving a treatment to yourself and another. You will also receive a treatment. To register, call Denise 613-913-2803 or email Cost: $150.00

    The Lotus Wings Building
    30 North Street
    Perth, ON K7H 2S7