Category: General Level I Usui Reiki -VIRTUAL class -3 of 4 - with Denise Carpenter

Level I Usui Reiki -VIRTUAL class -3 of 4 - with Denise Carpenter

January 30, 2021

Curious about Reiki and how to experience it? Try a Level I Usui Reiki Class. I will be teaching all levels of Reiki virtually. Join my first virtual Level I class starting January 16th. There will be 4 two hour classes scheduled from 1pm to 3pm on January 16th, 23rd, 30 and February 6th. During this class you will learn the history of Usui Reiki, the principles of Usui Reiki, how to do a self session and how to give a Reiki session to another. To register, email me at For more information visit

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,

The Lotus Wings Building
30 North Street
Perth, ON K7H 2S7

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