Category: General Momentous Reiki Presents an Animal Energy Mastery Workshop

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Momentous Reiki Presents an Animal Energy Mastery Workshop

July 9, 2023

Understanding Animal Energy Mastery Workshop

Join Moe Rosteius, Animal and Human Usui Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, for this transformative Animal Energy Mastery Workshop series and unlock a whole new world of understanding and connection with your beloved animal companions.

This month's workshop is "Harnessing the Wisdom of the Wild: Embracing Animal Energy for Personal Growth." This workshop welcomes you to open your mind to unfamiliar perspectives in the realm of understanding animals' energy. Discover the remarkable lessons they hold and unlock the power of a more present state of being. By cultivating a heightened state of presence, you will gain profound insights and expand your understanding of the natural world. Unleash your potential for growth and connection by tapping into the wisdom that animals offer.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to broaden your horizons and embrace a more conscious way of being that will benefit both you and the animals around you.

This workshop will be held on the Sunday, July 9th at the Lotus Wings Building, 30 North Street, Perth, ON. They will be held from 1-3pm and will cost $25.

Please contact Moe to reserve your seat by emailing her at and look for her next workshop topic by following her on Instagram @momentousreiki or on facebook.

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