Practitioner of the Month: Krista Marks-Cleroux

Modalities: Certified Infant Massage, Certified Infant Massage Instruction, Massage for Breast and Abdominal Organ Health, Swedish Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Registered Massage Therapy
Krista Marks-Cleroux, RMT, graduated from Sir Sandford Fleming College, with honours, in 1999 and brings 16 years of experience to the table.
Krista has a long standing practice with the The Perth Family Health Centre. In addition, she is now offering treatments at Lotus Wings.
She has been a Certified Infant Massage Instructor since 2007 and enjoys facilitating workshops for the Ontario Early Years Centre, The Health Unit and local Community Health Clinics.
Krista had the privilege of working in Palliative Care as a Volunteer Hospice Coordinator from 2005-2008 at Community Home Support Lanark County, an inspiring compliment to her practice.
Her appreciation for Body Work continues to deepen with the experience of providing touch for persons at every stage of development and level of activity, from birth to death.
Krista blends Swedish Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Reiki and Massage for Breast and Abdominal Organ Health. Each massage is customized to improve and manage Musculoskeletal/Myofascial and mental/emotional stress, enhance healing and physical performance, prevent injury and accomplish your self-care goals.
“The Root of Health is in the brain.
The trunk is the emotion.
The branches and leaves are the body.
The flower of health blooms when all parts work together”
Kurdish Folk Wisdom
“Massage has had a positive effect on every Medical condition we’ve looked at.”
Tiffany Field Ph.D.
Director, Touch Research Institute, University of Miami
To contact Krista, phone 613-812-3385 or email