Category: General Level I Usui Reiki Training with Moe Rosteius

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Level I Usui Reiki Training with Moe Rosteius

April 14, 2023

Usui Reiki Level I Training:

Join Moe for Usui Reiki Level I, the foundational course that will unlock your ability to channel Reiki energy and perform Reiki treatments. Led by Moe, an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Animal Reiki Practitioner, this 8-hour course will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to start using Usui Reiki for your own self-care and to help others.

This course takes 8 hours of in-class instruction and this Level will be completed after the student performs 25 practical sessions on their own schedule.This level is perfect for those who are just starting their Reiki journey and want to learn more about this powerful healing method.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your energy to transform your life and the lives of others. Enroll today for only $200. Contact Moe by text at (613) 818-5108 if you are interested.

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